Our Projects and Expertise
Running the startup activities and development of international provider of peer-2-peer secure communications solutions.
“Orange-Pay” Payment System Technologies
IT Development Company Audit. 500 FTE, 5 R&D offices, US-clients
IT Solutions
Regulatory project for USA Dodd-Frank senators’ act (implemented because of 2008 banking crisis) and its extension to other regulatory jurisdictions all over the world
Development of the world most high-loaded FOREX trading system for one of the TOP-5 world bank
Telecommunications, Siebel CRM (Oracle) as Integration Platform, SMS v4.0, Integrations between plenty of high-loaded servers for more than 20 millions abonents
Credits, Loan and Risks Forecasting System for one of the TOP-5 world bank
Provide packaging service for companies with huge amount of computers (1000-5000+ simultaneously) where it's required to install almost any software on all of these stations simultaneously
Delivering digital tools and diagnostics to improve preterm infant outcomes
Secure messaging app for communication between patients, students, medical professionals and organisations to manage resumes, certificates, vote and take surveys
E2E message encryption
Private spaces for corporate partners
Chat rooms with access control
Modern messaging system with attachments, emojis and badges
Available for all existing platforms
Built in medical calculators and 3d anatomy viewer
AI based recommendation systems
News system based on big data processing pipeline and AI recommendations
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